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Donor Information

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How Your Support Changes Lives

Your donations help us help 20,000 clients a year move past abuse, neglect, and assault. Funds go directly into our support programs, which means our services grow – and more clients get the help they need.

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Many ways to donate

Even a small amount helps us continue to change lives for the better. Our mission has expanded greatly in the past 30 years simply from amazing members of our community who have generously contributed however possible. From improving service centers to the ability to offer 24-hour phone support – every bit has helped us improve the quality and frequency of our service.

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Donations that go directly to those who need it

A whopping 90% of donated funds go directly to the programs and services that allow us to open our arms to more people.

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Donation Opportunities


From direct funding of support programs, to providing us with the opportunity to grow and serve more people, every donation helps change lives.
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Get Your Office Involved

Some of our best work happens alongside corporate teams who wish to support VIP’s mission. Learn how we can get you and your colleagues involved in an office donation.
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Donate Professional Services

Talk to us about the many ways to support our mission by donating pro-bono services across a variety of skill-sets.
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Donations of Stock

From direct funding of support programs, to providing us with the opportunity to grow and serve more people, every donation helps change lives.
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Include VIP in Your Will or Estate

Leaving a donation in your will for VIP can help you be part of a legacy of bettering lives for years to come. Click here to get started.
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Tribute Gift

Is your gift in honor or memory of someone? Our system makes it simple to include a special recognition or tribute to your donation.
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How Your Donation Helps

Children and Youth Services

Children are among the most vulnerable in our society, and we work incredibly hard to create new ways to support children in distress and their families. Learn more about our specific programs and support centers here.


From people living in harmful domestic situations, to families or individuals in any kind of need, we specialize in helping adults exit, heal and rise above trauma. Please click here to learn more.

FASD Program

Recent research indicates that between 2-5% of children have a FASD, which is a higher number than those affected by autism. The rate of FASD within children in foster care is even higher.

Alexis Project

We’re taking an active role in normalizing health and mental health support for all LGBTQ+ patients. We invite queer youth to find safety at the Alexis Project, where we provide specialized medical and mental health staff who understand their needs.

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You’re a Click Away from Making a Real Difference in Someone’s Life

Our critical work is only possible because of generous individuals like you.

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