Meet Some of Our Most Resilient Clients

Angel, Male – 12 y/o
Running away seemed the easiest solution for Angel. He ran away from the group home where he was living. He didn’t show up at school…

Josey, Female – 13 y/o
When thirteen-year-old Josey is asked what kind of family she would like to live with, she says, “I just want someone who is nice.”…

William, Male – 19 y/o
William was a teenager when a medical diagnosis changed his whole outlook on life. In 2012 he was diagnosed with…

Sarah, Female – 10 y/o
At an early age, Sarah believed it was her responsibility to protect her mother. Sarah’s mother’s boyfriend, who was often abusive, lived with them…

Gabriela, Female – 15 Months
When our clinicians first visited baby Gabriela in her home, she didn’t laugh and coo or engage with the adults in her life….

Sophia, Female – 7 y/o
When Sophia was seven years old she revealed to her mother that her father was sexually abusing her…

Sandy, Female – 11 Months
Sandy was only one month old when she and her mother were referred to us for help. At 21, Sandy’s mom…

Ashley, Female – 18 y/o
Ashley was used to being responsible to no one but herself. At thirteen she ran away from the group home where she had been placed and…

Kiana, Female – 17 y/o
Kiana came from a big family of nine children. But it wasn’t a happy household. Kiana’s sisters and brothers came from several different fathers…
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